Perspectiva Internacional: Escolha do tratamento para RN prematuros extremos Treatment choice for extremely pretrm infants: An international perspective.

Perspectiva Internacional: Escolha do tratamento para RN prematuros extremos Treatment choice for extremely pretrm infants: An international perspective.

Richard de Leeuw, MD, Marina Cuttini, MD, MPH, PhD, Michela Navai, MSC, István Berbik, MD, Gesine Hansen, MD, Audrunas Kucinskas, MD , Sylvie Lenoir, MD, Adik Levin, MD, Jan Persson, PhD, Marisa Rebagliato, MD, PhD, Margaret Reid, PhD, Marco Schroell, MD, Umberto de Vonderweid, MD, and other members of the EURONIC study group.
Pediatr 2000; 137: 608-15

Apresentação: Dra. Luciane Braga (R3)
Coordenação: Dra Marcia Pimentel e  Dr. Paulo R  Margotto.
